
Join the Team

We are united by our purpose of saving lives and ensuring the best possible outcomes for our patients. By joining Team KSS you will have that drive and desire to help ensure families stay together and that a medical emergency doesn’t destroy lives.

Our achievements depend on our people; talented, dedicated, caring individuals who work together as one team to achieve our vision of ending preventable loss of life from medical emergencies.

When you join us you’re not just becoming a colleague you’re becoming part of Team KSS; a team of people who are proud to save lives across Kent, Surrey and Sussex.

Join us in the fight to save lives

You will make a vital difference in our ability to provide life-saving, critical care

Hear Noel’s story below or click here to read more stories from our former patients, who are at the heart of everything we do. Thanks for your interest in becoming part of Team KSS, we look forward to hearing from you.

Saving lives when every second counts

Help us buy our air ambulance

For family. For friends. For life.

Give to our helicopter appeal

*If we exceed our target for this appeal or there is an unexpected change in circumstances, donations will be allocated to our Helicopter and Vehicle fund

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There’s no time to lose.
Help us raise the final £1 million to buy our air ambulance?

Limited opportunity to DOUBLE your donation
at no cost to you!

Limited opportunity to
your donation at no cost to you!