Our Research and Innovation
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Together, we are changing the world.
Our exceptional research and innovation programme breaks ground with innovative developments that influence our work and shape practice across the UK and beyond.
Our impact is felt worldwide, but it’s felt most in our communities of Kent, Surrey and Sussex.
We collaborate with other emergency services in the UK and around the world to share knowledge and learn from others, aiming to inform global improvements in pre-hospital care.
Scroll down to see our research papers.

Emergency Anaesthesia
- Haemodynamic effects of a prehospital emergency anaesthesia protocol consisting of fentanyl, ketamine and rocuronium in patients with trauma: a retrospective analysis of data from a Helicopter Emergency Medical Service
- Hypoxia and hypotension in patients intubated by physician staffed helicopter emergency medical services – a prospective observational multi-centre study
- Haemodynamic changes to a midazolam-fentanyl-rocuronium protocol for pre-hospital anaesthesia following return of spontaneous circulation after cardiac arrest
- Oxygenation strategies prior to and during prehospital emergency anaesthesia in UK HEMS practice (PREOXY survey)
- Significant modification of traditional rapid sequence induction improves safety and effectiveness of pre-hospital trauma anaesthesia
HEMS operations
- Lessons learned from the first 50 COVID-19 critical care transfer missions conducted by a civilian UK Helicopter Emergency Medical Service team
- Feasibility of Pre-hospital Rapid Sequence Intubation in the Cabin of an AW169 Helicopter
- The ticking clock: does actively making an enhanced care team aware of the passage of time improve pre-hospital scene time following traumatic incidents?
- A review of the activation triggers and reasons for stand downs of a Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS)
- Live video footage from scene to aid helicopter emergency medical service dispatch: a feasibility study
- A novel method of non-clinical dispatch is associated with a higher rate of critical Helicopter Emergency Medical Service intervention
- Feasibility of pre-hospital Rapid Sequence Intubation in the Cabin of a AW169 whilst wearing personal protective equipment during COVID-19
- The Impact of Helicopter Emergency Medical Service Night Operations in South East England
- The Need for a UK Helicopter Emergency Medical Service by Night: A Prospective, Simulation Study

Blood products and resuscitation
- Pre-hospital transfusion of packed red blood cells in 147 patients from a UK helicopter emergency medical service
- Feasibility of pre-hospital freeze-dried plasma administration in a UK Helicopter Emergency Medical Service
- Mortality of civilian patients with suspectedtraumatic haemorrhage receiving prehospital transfusion of packed red blood cells compared to pre-hospital crystalloid
- Ionised calcium levels in civilian patients
- Pre-hospital blood transfusions on a UK Air Ambulance service: The first ten months
Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
- A review of Helicopter Emergency Medical Service interventions in reported traumatic cardiac arrest patients
- Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest following trauma: What does a helicopter emergency medical service offer?
- What does a Helicopter Emergency Medical Service offer?
- Emergency medical dispatch recognition, clinical intervention and outcome of patients in traumatic cardiac arrest from major trauma: an observational study

Traumatic brain injury
- What are the demographic and clinical differences between those older adults with traumatic brain injury who receive a neurosurgical intervention to those that do not? A systematic literature review with narrative synthesis
- Pre-hospital clinical signs are a poor predictor of raised intracranial pressure following traumatic brain injury
- Are clinical signs significant indicators for pre-hospital hypertonic saline use in traumatic brain injury?
- Frequency of vasoactive head injuries in rural UK HEMS service
- Pre-hospital anaesthesia and assessment of head injured patients presenting to a UK Helicopter Emergency Medical Service with a high Glasgow Coma Scale: A cohort study
- Isolated traumatic brain injury results in significant pre-hospital derangement of cardiovascular physiology
Major trauma
- Incidence of hyperoxia in trauma patients receiving pre-hospital emergency anaesthesia: results of a 5-year retrospective analysis
- Pre-hospital management of penetrating neck injuries: a scoping review of current evidence and guidance
- The contribution of helicopter emergency medical services in the pre-hospital care of penetrating torso injuries in a semi-rural setting
- Helicopter emergency medical service dispatch in older trauma: time to reconsider the trigger?
- Determinants of pre-hospital lactate in trauma patients: a retrospective cohort study
- Advanced interventions in the pre-hospital resuscitation of patients with non-compressible haemorrhage after penetrating injuries
- Is it time to RSI?
- Pre-hospital lactate in trauma patients: What are we measuring?
- Presence of a pre-hospital enhanced care team reduces on scene time and improves triage compliance for stab trauma
- Improving ambulance dispatch triage to trauma: A scoping review using the framework of development and evaluation of clinical prediction rules

Together, we are changing the world.
Our exceptional research and innovation programme breaks ground with innovative developments that influence our work and shape practice across the UK and beyond.
Our impact is felt worldwide, but it’s felt most in our communities of Kent, Surrey and Sussex.
We collaborate with other emergency services in the UK and around the world to share knowledge and learn from others, aiming to inform global improvements in pre-hospital care.
Scroll down to see our research papers.
Emergency Anaesthesia
- Haemodynamic effects of a prehospital emergency anaesthesia protocol consisting of fentanyl, ketamine and rocuronium in patients with trauma: a retrospective analysis of data from a Helicopter Emergency Medical Service
- Hypoxia and hypotension in patients intubated by physician staffed helicopter emergency medical services – a prospective observational multi-centre study
- Haemodynamic changes to a midazolam-fentanyl-rocuronium protocol for pre-hospital anaesthesia following return of spontaneous circulation after cardiac arrest
- Oxygenation strategies prior to and during prehospital emergency anaesthesia in UK HEMS practice (PREOXY survey)
- Significant modification of traditional rapid sequence induction improves safety and effectiveness of pre-hospital trauma anaesthesia
HEMS operations
- Lessons learned from the first 50 COVID-19 critical care transfer missions conducted by a civilian UK Helicopter Emergency Medical Service team
- Feasibility of Pre-hospital Rapid Sequence Intubation in the Cabin of an AW169 Helicopter
- The ticking clock: does actively making an enhanced care team aware of the passage of time improve pre-hospital scene time following traumatic incidents?
- A review of the activation triggers and reasons for stand downs of a Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS)
- Live video footage from scene to aid helicopter emergency medical service dispatch: a feasibility study
- A novel method of non-clinical dispatch is associated with a higher rate of critical Helicopter Emergency Medical Service intervention
- Feasibility of pre-hospital Rapid Sequence Intubation in the Cabin of a AW169 whilst wearing personal protective equipment during COVID-19
- The Impact of Helicopter Emergency Medical Service Night Operations in South East England
- The Need for a UK Helicopter Emergency Medical Service by Night: A Prospective, Simulation Study
Blood products and resuscitation
- Pre-hospital transfusion of packed red blood cells in 147 patients from a UK helicopter emergency medical service
- Feasibility of pre-hospital freeze-dried plasma administration in a UK Helicopter Emergency Medical Service
- Mortality of civilian patients with suspectedtraumatic haemorrhage receiving prehospital transfusion of packed red blood cells compared to pre-hospital crystalloid
- Ionised calcium levels in civilian patients
- Pre-hospital blood transfusions on a UK Air Ambulance service: The first ten months
Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest
- A review of Helicopter Emergency Medical Service interventions in reported traumatic cardiac arrest patients
- Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest following trauma: What does a helicopter emergency medical service offer?
- What does a Helicopter Emergency Medical Service offer?
- Emergency medical dispatch recognition, clinical intervention and outcome of patients in traumatic cardiac arrest from major trauma: an observational study
Traumatic brain injury
- What are the demographic and clinical differences between those older adults with traumatic brain injury who receive a neurosurgical intervention to those that do not? A systematic literature review with narrative synthesis
- Pre-hospital clinical signs are a poor predictor of raised intracranial pressure following traumatic brain injury
- Are clinical signs significant indicators for pre-hospital hypertonic saline use in traumatic brain injury?
- Frequency of vasoactive head injuries in rural UK HEMS service
- Pre-hospital anaesthesia and assessment of head injured patients presenting to a UK Helicopter Emergency Medical Service with a high Glasgow Coma Scale: A cohort study
- Isolated traumatic brain injury results in significant pre-hospital derangement of cardiovascular physiology
Major trauma
- Incidence of hyperoxia in trauma patients receiving pre-hospital emergency anaesthesia: results of a 5-year retrospective analysis
- Pre-hospital management of penetrating neck injuries: a scoping review of current evidence and guidance
- The contribution of helicopter emergency medical services in the pre-hospital care of penetrating torso injuries in a semi-rural setting
- Helicopter emergency medical service dispatch in older trauma: time to reconsider the trigger?
- Determinants of pre-hospital lactate in trauma patients: a retrospective cohort study
- Advanced interventions in the pre-hospital resuscitation of patients with non-compressible haemorrhage after penetrating injuries
- Is it time to RSI?
- Pre-hospital lactate in trauma patients: What are we measuring?
- Presence of a pre-hospital enhanced care team reduces on scene time and improves triage compliance for stab trauma
- Improving ambulance dispatch triage to trauma: A scoping review using the framework of development and evaluation of clinical prediction rules