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We hope you never need us. But sadly many people do. When there’s a life-or-death call, we bring specialised doctors, paramedics and treatment to the scene, fast.
And we don’t stop 24/7, 365 days a year. Even at Christmas.
If Christmas is about anything, it’s about family
It’s a feeling we know well here at KSS. Because our KSS family is here for your family, continuing to respond to emergency calls for our lifesaving care 24/7, during the festive season.
We see a rise in the number of patients who need our help in December. The last few years have seen you need us more and more at Christmas time.
We attend a high proportion of road traffic collisions, and we know some of these can be due to drink driving. And sadly we continue to see a high proportion of patients during December who are accidentally injured through falls, cuts and burns.

"He flies up so high, in a big fast helicopter.
To help people when they need him most."
-Ivy, Paramedic Ben's daughter

Our crews cared for over
patients who had suddenly become
critically injured or ill last December
critically injured or ill last December