Wendy Kane

On a November morning in 2016, Jack was walking with his girlfriend when he slipped and hit his head on the pavement. I got a call to say that Jack was injured and needed to go to the hospital. I wasn’t too worried.

Accidents like this happen all the time.

A short time later, I got another call to say Air Ambulance Kent Surrey Sussex (KSS) were airlifting him to St. George’s Hospital in London.

My heart sank. I used to be an intensive care nurse and I knew that we needed to get to the hospital as soon as possible. We arrived to find out Jack had been taken straight into surgery. When he came out I could see from his monitors and the way the staff were behaving that things weren’t right. A consultant came to speak to us and the news was heart-breaking. Although they had been able to stop the bleeding on his brain they had not been able to stop the swelling.

There was nothing more they could do. We were given the opportunity to call family so that they could come to the hospital and say goodbye.

Jack passed away with those he loved around him. Without the efforts of the KSS team that wouldn’t have happened, so I will always be immensely grateful to them for giving us that opportunity.

Jack had registered to be an organ donor and so we were happy to honour his wishes when he had died. His organs were used to save the lives of four people. He would have been proud of that – so am I.

Wendy with her son Jack
The whole experience of Jack’s death, although so traumatic, made me realise just how important KSS is to our community.

Their goal is to save lives – to ensure that patients are treated quickly and expertly so that they arrive at hospital with the best possible chance of survival. I wanted to do something practical to help and the best way of doing that was to raise some of the £15 million needed every year to keep the service going.

I’d started running as a means of channelling my grief. Then I realised that I could do it to raise money for KSS. I ran the Brighton marathon in 2018, then the London marathon in 2019. In 2020, on the anniversary of Jack’s death, I ran 100 miles in 24 hours to raise funds, and this year I plan to run 185 miles along the Outer Hebrides.

KSS constantly needs funds – even more so now that coronavirus has stopped many of the fundraising events they would hold to raise money from the public. I’d like to ask you if you can help. Can you please donate now – today – to keep this vital service in the air? Please give whatever you are able.

I’m doing what I can to help, in memory of my Jack. Your donation could help save someone you love too.

Wendy after completing the London Marathon in 2019

Our patients are at the centre of what we do.

There is nothing more heart-warming for our team than when a former patient gets in touch and wants to visit us. If you, or a family member, has been a patient of ours and would like to get in touch, we would love to hear from you. 

Saving lives when every second counts

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