Last week, the NHS launched their Community Volunteer Responders scheme which was described as an absolutely critical step to coordinate a movement of people coming together to support both our NHS and the most vulnerable people in our communities. More than 750,000 individuals have already put themselves forward, in addition to the thousands who are already showing kindness and support by devoting their time to voluntary activities.  Together, our communities have created an army of people with a willingness to help and offer something valuable to help mitigate the impact of this crisis.
This is a stressful and challenging time for each of us, but when we look back on this time, I hope we can all be proud and inspired that our communities came together to help, care for and support each other. At a time when the health and wellbeing of those closest to us is prominent in our minds, we need to take hope in this outpouring of kindness and selflessness. It demonstrates the true essence of philanthropy, of genuine care for people being translated into generous action.
A further positive outcome is our renewed sense of appreciation for our NHS and key frontline workers who are working selflessly to care for the sick and save lives, as well as maintaining critical services. The visible respect and admiration for our NHS through individuals volunteering to help in any way they can has never been more apparent or deserved.
But as always, we need to think what more we can do, and specifically what more we could do if we come together as a collective effort. As an organisation, Team KSS is focused on maintaining our service and looking to determine, alongside our partners, what we could do to support the NHS Volunteer Responders scheme. This includes supporting those vulnerable and isolated individuals who do not fall within those ‘shielded’ due to Covid-19, and utilising our existing resources to help. We need to think carefully about maximising the impact of this national demonstration of support and kindness through volunteering, as our communities need each other more now than ever.
I take faith in the demonstration of altruism in times of adversity, and am proud and humbled by those who have offered to devote their time, effort and care to those who need it most.
Team KSS will continue to offer what support we can, and tirelessly investigate what more we can do to care the KSS Way.
Take care of yourselves and each other.
Best Wishes
David Welch – Chief Executive
Air Ambulance Kent Surrey Sussex