Over 17,000 potential lifesavers created on Restart a Heart Day

Every child, and every adult, has the potential to save a life.  They just need to know how.  

Around 17,000 children and adults, from nearly a hundred schools and businesses, as well as individuals, across the South East have been equipped with the confidence and skills to provide life-saving CPR to mark national Restart a Heart Day. 

On Monday 16th October, we’re proud to say we’ve created an army of new potential lifesavers across our local community by providing free live-streamed interactive awareness sessions on what to do in an emergency and how to provide CPR to someone in cardiac arrest. 

Our specialist emergency critical care doctors and paramedics delivered eight sessions during the day, tailored to a range of age groups: Key Stage 2 children, secondary school pupils and adults, and joint parent (or guardian/carer) and child sessions.  

The sessions were live-streamed across platforms, including YouTube, Facebook, Teams and Twitter. 

David Welch, our Chief Executive, said: “Our patients and communities are at the heart of everything we do, and that’s why I’m so proud of our Restart a Heart Day with KSS Online CPR Awareness Sessions, We believe it is so important for us to work together with our communities in this way to build the confidence and skills to provide CPR. 

Across the South East, an average of 22 people each day suffer a cardiac arrest out of a hospital. Sadly, the overall survival rate last year for this group of people was around 11%, and survival falls by up to10% for every minute a patient doesn’t receive CPR or defibrillation.   

But bystander CPR can make a critical difference. With 80% of cardiac arrests outside of hospital happening at home, a loved one is likely to be first on the scene and in a position to provide CPR. 

David Welch adds: “I would like to thank everyone who took part. There is no doubt in my mind that as a result of creating a new army of lifesavers across Kent, Surrey and Sussex the lives of more people can potentially be saved in those crucial seconds and minutes following cardiac arrest.” 

KSS paramedics demonstrating CPR on teddy bears
Children in classroom watching Restart a Heart Day livestream

Saving lives when every second counts

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