Name your local air ambulance competition terms and conditions

Terms and Conditions

1. The ‘Name your local air ambulance’ competition enables eligible primary, secondary schools and youth groups, to enter a chosen name for our helicopters (KSST for primary aged children and KSSC for secondary). The winning names will be selected by a judging panel from team KSS. The winning names will be written on the aircraft along with the school name, plus other prizes outlined. There are also 5 runner-up prizes per county. Entry of the competition constitute acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.

2. We are Air Ambulance Charity Kent Surrey Sussex; a Registered Charity in England and Wales (No. 1021367) and a Registered Company, Limited by Guarantee in England and Wales (No. 2803242) (“KSS”)

3. KSS reserves the right to amend any of these Terms and Conditions or to suspend, cancel or amend the ‘Name your local air ambulance’ at any time by placing a notice on our website.

4. Entries can be made starting 15 April 2024 and can be made until Friday 24 May 2024. Winners will be notified in the week commencing the 3 June 2024

5. One entry per class or pack will be accepted

6. To be eligible, the entry must be come from a responsible adult, aged over 18 years or older such as a teacher or youth group leader

7. You may enter a name of your choice, but it must meet the requirements of these terms and conditions.

8. Names cannot include emojis or special characters.

9. The names must not include any discriminatory or offensive language or be used for political promotion or corporate advertising.

10. The two winning names – one for KSST and one for KSSC – will be printed on the side of the helicopter along with the school/group name.

11. If KSS believes that the clauses 8 or 9 have been compromised or could otherwise cause reputational or other damage to the charity, it reserves the right to reject the entered name.

12. The name does not give any entitlement to ownership or visitation rights to the aircraft

13. It is envisaged that the names will remain for a period of three years. However, the supporter recognises that, due to wear and tear or other damage, the names may wear or become damaged in which case there is no liability on KSS to replace.


14. Once the names have been incorporated in the design they cannot be changed or removed. Our supporters are aware that, by adding a name to our aircraft, the name will remain on the aircraft for a minimum period of three years.

15. Any samples, drawings or illustrations are for the sole purpose of giving an idea of what the final design may look like, but do not have any contractual force. KSS reserves the right to amend the design as required.

16. The timings are approximate only and KSS shall not be liable for any delay.

17. This is a limited time opportunity and KSS cannot accept responsibility for late or incomplete entries and reserves the right to refuse any incomplete or late entries.

18. As part of wider publicity opportunities, KSS may wish to take photographs and videos of the aircraft along with representatives of the winning schools. These images may be used in media releases, publications, social media and on our website, and other publicity opportunities. Local media will be invited to do the same. Use of such media is solely at the discretion of KSS. Please note, if these images include children, appropriate consent will be sought in advance.

19. Further details on how we may use your information can be found in our privacy statement (


20. Entries to the ‘name your local air ambulance’ competition can only be made via our website found at

21. Following an entry, the school or youth group will be contacted by KSS to acknowledge receipt of their entry and thank them for their support. Entrants will also receive further communications throughout the duration of the campaign keeping them informed with relevant updates

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