Children’s Activity Pack

Stuck for ideas to keep your children entertained?

Please complete the short form below to download your free Children’s Activity Packs. 

Our packs are full of exciting activities all about us, that you can enjoy whilst spending time at home.

There are two activity packs available. Pack one is suitable for children aged 5-8 years and pack two is suitable for children aged 8-12 years.

Complete this form to download the Children's Activity Pack

Download the Children's Activity Pack

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We’d love to keep in touch with you about the incredible difference we are making together, our fundraising appeals and other activities you may wish to get involved in. You may hear from us by post or telephone but we’d love contact you in other ways too. We’ll continue to contact you in the same ways as we did before, unless you indicate change above. You can update your preferences at any time by calling 01634 471 900 or at We’ll never sell your data and we promise to keep your details safe and secure. Read more in our Privacy Statement here:
We’d love to keep in touch with you about the incredible difference we are making together, our fundraising appeals and other activities you may wish to get involved in. You may hear from us by post or telephone but we’d love contact you in other ways too. We’ll continue to contact you in the same ways as we did before, unless you indicate a change above.

You can update your preferences at any time by calling 01634 471 900 or at We’ll never sell your data and we promise to keep your details safe and secure. Read more in our Privacy Statement here:

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