Payroll giving and Gifts in Kind
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Looking for additional ways to support our lifesaving service? Explore payroll giving for regular donations from your salary, or contribute valuable resources through gifts in kind.
Payroll Giving
Making a regular donation through your pay is easy to set up and costs you less than you think.
Donations are taken from your pay before tax meaning if you pledge to give £10 a month, it will only cost you £8 if you are a standard rate tax payer and HMRC will pay the rest.
Choosing to give a regular monthly donation is one of the best and most efficient ways of supporting us because we know, day in day out, that we have a steady income stream that we can rely on.
How can I donate via my pay?
If you earn a salary or pension and your employer deducts Pay As You Earn (PAYE) tax, you can donate via your pay.
It’s best to find out if your employer already offers payroll giving and if they do, speak to them about setting up your monthly gift. If they don’t, direct them to our ‘For Employers’ section so they can find out more about setting up a scheme.
Is there a minimum donation amount?
There is no minimum donation amount through Payroll Giving, so how much you give and how often is entirely up to you. Some supporters donate £5 or £10 each month, while others prefer to make a one-time donation when they receive a bonus.
How can I find out if my employer has a Payroll Giving scheme?
Simply ask your Payroll Department.
Why should I support KSS through Payroll Giving?
At KSS, we’re here for everyone who needs us. Life-threatening emergencies can happen anywhere—on the road, on the beach, or in a park.
With your help through payroll giving, you help us reach thousands of people each year in Kent, Surrey, and Sussex, when they need us most. By donating a little each month, you become a hero, helping us save lives and make a big difference in our communities.

For employeers
If your business doesn’t currently offer payroll giving, you can easily set up the scheme by contacting any HMRC-approved Payroll Giving Agencies.
Matching your employees’ donations is a great way to incentivise them to give. If you interested in offering donation matching, you can speak to our corporate team.

Gifts in Kind
As a charity, we might have a constant focus on fundraising but there’s no doubt we rely on more than just money to keep us flying high.
Over the years, we’ve established many successful partnerships with generous businesses that donate gifts in kind.
It might be a golf club donating a round of golf to be auctioned off, or a local business providing food and drink for an event. Think you don’t have anything to give? Think again! It might also be the donation of more basic equipment or supplies, or just the gift of time and expertise. Every contribution will end up making a real difference to us and the patients who need us.
Your business can get tax relief if it makes a gift of equipment or trading stock to a charity or Community Amateur Sports Club (CASC). You’ll also pay less tax by accounting for the cost of the gift, and this applies whether you’re in business as a sole trader, a partnership or a company.