Fundraising Guidance

It’s a lot of fun organising a fundraising event, but whatever you do must be legal and safe.

On this page you’ll find all the guidance, advice and links you need to be compliant.

And while we are unable to accept any liability, our fundraising team is always here to give you help and support.


These can be a great way to raise funds or to give a boost to a larger event, but you need to be aware of the legalities as many raffles need licences. Please check online at www.gambling or contact our fundraising team.

Licences and Insurance

Some fundraising events require a licence from the relevant local authority, so please check with them as to whether you need a licence for your event. Regarding insurance, our policy will not cover your event.


You can find a lot of advice on how to keep your event safe on the Health & Safety Executive’s website and if you are selling or providing food, check out the Food Standards Agency at

Handling Cash

You must count the proceeds of any collections with another person. Take a look at the Institute of Fundraising’s website for more advice on this, and for a wealth of other advice regarding fundraising.

Fundraising Guidance

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